Looking for a deep link?

November 21, 2008

If you were following a link and were expecting to find a specific post on the RePEc blog, we unfortunately had to move to a different host and links were broken. Please look for your post in the archives. Or if you were using one of the RSS feeds, please use the new ones: entries or comments. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The blog has moved to a new host

November 19, 2008

Due to chronic problems with DOS attacks and spamming that have crippled several times the host server, the RePEc has now moved to a new host. It is still available under the old https://blog.repec.org/ address, but no more under the alternative http://repec.org/blog/. Also, the addresses within the blog have all changed, which breaks deep links. Finally, old RSS feeds may still work as they are redirected, but it is safer to recreate them.

Users who created accounts at the old location will have to create new ones, unless they have already one on WordPress. I am very sorry for the trouble, and especially for the violation of the RePEc principle that links should never break. But I think we now have a permanent home for this blog and this should not happen again.

Blog disruption

December 14, 2007

The RePEc blog was offline for a few days due to a hardware failure, along with a few other websites at Boston College, our host. Everything seems to be running well now, but please contact us if you see any remaining issues.

Welcome to the RePEc blog

October 25, 2007

The RePEc team is opening today this blog with several goals in mind.

  1. Give us the opportunity to explain how RePEc works and what we do.
  2. Discuss some of the policy decisions we need to take.
  3. Give you the opportunity to comment and give us feedback.
  4. Expand to a wider audience some of the discussions we have within the RePEc team.
  5. Give you the opportunity to participate in our exciting project in whatever capacity you propose.
  6. Make people aware of some of the developments in the profession or in the Open Archive movement that are relevant to RePEc and its community.
  7. More generally, discuss the dissemination models for research in Economics and related fields.

It is not our intention to have a new post on a daily basis. We do not want this blog to become a burden as we scratch our heads finding new topics to write about. We want this blog to be useful for all parties. So watch this space on a regular basis and help RePEc improve!