RePEc now indexes over one million works

January 25, 2011

RePEc has reached over the last week-end a historic mark: one million works in Economics and neighboring sciences are now indexed, of which 87.5% are available for download. The bibliographic database is comprised by 59.2% of journal articles, 38.5% of working papers, 1.3% of book chapters, 0.8% of books, and 0.2% of software components. All this material has been indexed by volunteers maintaining close to 1300 archives. As RePEc bears no costs, all the data is made available for free.

When RePEc started in June 1997, it built on a stock of metadata with 40,000 entries from its precursor NetEc, which started in 1992. Since then, data holdings have increased in an ever increasing fashion:

100,000August 2000
200,000July 2003
300,000January 2005
400,000July 2006
500,000September 2007
600,000June 2008
700,000January 2009
800,000September 2009
900,000April 2010
1,000,000January 2011

The data collected by RePEc is used by a large number of free core services, including EconPapers, EconomistsOnline, IDEAS, NEP and Socionet. Other services that use RePEc data, however without reporting back usage statistics include, among others, Econlit, Google Scholar, Inomics, Microsoft Academic Search, and Worldcat.

RePEc in December 2010 and a look back at 2010

January 6, 2011

As a new year has started, it is time to recapitulate what was achieved over the last year. But let us first mention December 2010. We welcomed 14 new archives to RePEc: Prague Development Center, Asociación de Economía Ecológica en España, Technische Universität Berlin (II), International Black Sea University, Instytut Rozwoju, Haute Ecole de Gestion Arc, Université de Neuchâtel (II), Universidade de Brasília, Stanford University (II), Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, Czestochowa Technical University, Research on Money and Finance, Stanford University. We counted 681,877 file downloads and 2,328,640 abstract views and reached the following thresholds:

6000000 references extracted
2500000 citations linked within RePEc
400000 downloads through NEP in a single year
200000 items with JEL codes
175000 articles with citations

Now to 2010: Over the year, RePEc welcomed 146 new participating archives, bringing the total to 1266. They all added 64973 working papers in 245 new series and 97720 articles in 177 new journals. This added 161885 works that are available online and increased by 20% the listings in RePEc. 3988 authors joined the RePEc Author Service, and their profiles now list 111877 more works than a year earlier. NEP sent 4448 weekly reports about new research, and the RePEc services that share statistics recorded 8,989,727 downloads and 30,777,612 abstract views. These last numbers are lower than the previous year because of a further tightening of criteria.

In terms of new features and services, the following were added during the year, among others: EconomistsOnline is a new RePEc service that allows to search the database in a different way than existing services We also introduced RSS feeds for articles, papers, series and journals, and a few new rankings.