Plagiarism in Economics

February 16, 2011

We are all aware that plagiarism exists, and RePEc has helped expose quite a few cases through its open bibliographies. But sanctions for plagiarism are rather limited. An offended party may complain with the administration of the accused offender, in some cases without consequences, and in others with sanctions that can lead to dismissal. But the now convicted offender may simply take a new job as if nothing happened, the new employer being oblivious to what happened.

Economics does not have an ethics board that could deal with such cases beyond the current employer of an accused offender. There is now a proposal to create a committee dedicated to plagiarism. This committee would examine cases and vote on sanctions which may go all the way to publicly exposing the plagiarist. A group of volunteers have are discussed a simple set of procedures. Over the next month, the plan is to solicit comments from the public through this blog and call for further volunteers to participate in the committee. After that the committee would become active and deal with any new plagiarism cases that come to its attention. Please contact any current member to participate.

To view the current proposal and committee members, see a simple and bare bones site at The committee awaits your reaction. Beyond comments, you can also vote your reaction below.

RePEc in January 2011

February 4, 2011

The big news this month is that RePEc now indexes over one million items. We RePEc started, it was not imaginable that so many works would be listed. To see the evolution over the 13 years of RePEc, see the last blog post.

Over this last month, 743,140 file downloads and 2,469,187 abstract views were counted. Remarkably, while articles have been outnumbering working papers for quite some time in the database, last month they also outnumbered in terms of traffic for the first time. This shows how much more popular working papers are. Also, we welcomed 6 new archives: Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Society for Promotion of Business Information Technology, Zeitschrift für Nachwuchswissenschafler, European University at St. Petersburg, INFORMS, and Cankaya University.

Finally, the monthly thresholds reached:
80000000 cumulative article abstract views
1500000 cumulative book chapter abstract views
1000000 listed works