NEP: 30000 reports and going

November 24, 2010

NEP (New Economics Papers) is an important element in the collection of services that use RePEc data. It disseminates through email and RSS weekly reports about new working papers in 85 different fields, each compiled by volunteer editors. This project has recently surpassed 30000 reports sent since 1998 to currently over email 60000 subscriptions from close to 30000 unique email addresses, announcing over 150000 papers on average to two field reports.

The quantity of information digested by this project has grown considerably over the years. Currently about 500 new papers a week are analyzed, a number too large for editors to manage. Thus several years ago an expert system has been put in place that learns on the choices of the editors and offers them every week the complete list of papers for selection, but placing the most likely choices first. It is remarkable how well this works, thereby saving our volunteers considerable time.

Volunteers are still welcome, for example to help with the general management of the project, help with existing reports or open new reports in fields not yet covered. Interested people should contact Marco Novarese.

RePEc in October 2010

November 4, 2010

It was once more a busy month at RePEc, in particular as we welcomed 14 new participating archives: University of Economics in Bratislava (II), Sage Publications, Universität Oldenburg, Rimini Centre for Economic Analysis (II), Institute for International Relations (Croatia), University of the Philippines, University of Sydney, University of Cyprus (II), Warsaw School of Economics, University of Genoa, MDPI, Journal of Income Distribution, Wroclaw University of Technology, University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Also, we recorded 797,409 file downloads and 2,791,358 abstract views. Finally, we reached the following thresholds during the last month:

20,000,000 article downloads
250,000 items with references
175,000 papers with references
5,000 institutions with registered authors