RePEc in January 2021

February 11, 2021

2021 is off to a good start. In January, we welcomed the following new RePEc archives: Universidad Anáhuac México, Centre de Sciences Humaines (Delhi), Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives, Shiv Nadar University, IEPS Brasil, Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management. We counted 559,683 file downloads and 3,121,954 abstract views. We reached no significant milestone, though.

How to find related material on RePEc

February 4, 2021

Suppose that you found a great paper. You want to learn more about this topic. How do you go about finding the right works? This post is to give you the right tools of that. First on IDEAS, then on EconPapers.

IDEAS example

Example abstract page from the IDEAS website.

IDEAS abstract pages have a lot of useful information. Not all pages have the same kind of information, it all depends on what was supplied by the publishers, authors, or RePEc services like CitEc, the citation extraction projects. Here we want to use the example above, which is close to the ideal.

IDEAS pages all have tables that allow to show different facets of the information. In the picture above, the “Author and abstract” tab is open. This can already help in finding more about this topic. Indeed, both authors are registered with RePEc, thus they have public profiles that show all their works indexed in RePEc. You may find something of interest there.

The next tab of interest the “References” and “Citations” tabs. The numbers next to each indicate the number of research works listed in each tab. The paper that got you interested is citing some other works that are also found in RePEc, and IDEAS helps you find them. Other works cited your paper, and you can discover them here. That should give you quite a bit of material to pour over.

In some cases, that may be much work, like in this case that was cited a lot. The next tab, “Most related“, is here to help you. This shows the works that were most frequently cited jointly with the item you are starting with. The list is limited to the top 20, hence the moniker “most related.”

The “related works & more” tab highlights some other ways to find related works, such as links to works having the same JEL codes or searches over the same keywords. Some other links may also appear in this tab.

EconPapers offers much of the same information, but on a single pages in a more condensed form through links to authors profiles, citations and references.