RePEc offers now an API

September 28, 2015

RePEc is all about the dissemination of its metadata on the economics research literature, and another means of dissemination has been added to its portfolio: an API (Application Programming Interface). This allows applications to interact directly with the content of RePEc without having to go through the sometimes tedious steps involved in collecting data from a decentralized database, which RePEc is.

As we have yet to learn how much demand there is and how it will load our servers, the use of the API is restricted at this point. We want to encourage data user to first use the traditional method to gather RePEc data, as described in this document, before applying for an API user code. Note that functionalities are getting added to the API as users demand, thus not everything is possible at this point.

RePEc in August 2015

September 6, 2015

As every year, August was a tranquil month. We counted 380,324 file downloads and 1,388,486 abstract views in the few RePEc services that report such statistics. We welcomed the following RePEc archives: Keio University (II), Yasar University, IPEK University, Research Foundation for Humanity, University of Newcastle. Finally, we reached the following milestones:

2500 NEP followers through Twitter

That’s it already!