Quality control committee: looking for volunteer

The RePEc community is looking for a volunteer to head a committee on quality control for journals admitted to be indexed in RePEc. Here is some background.

There is a growing number of journal-like outlets that pretend to be normal open access journals. But in reality, all they do is take authors’ money, and put the content up on a web site. They do no quality  control. They have no editorial board that does any work. In fact, many times people on the board do not even know that they are on it.

Traditionally, RePEc has not done any quality control prior to listing additional journals. We believe that quality can best be assessed by users of the RePEc dataset. However, we have been criticized for helping these deceitful outlets gain a mantle of respectability through their RePEc listing. Therefore we take this step forward. We expect quality control also to be an issue with toll-gated journals.

The volunteer we are looking for will determine the exact name of the committee and its remit. (S)he would recruit a few committee members. (S)he would run the mailing list and maintain some web pages for the committee. RePEc can provide both. Anybody who is interested in this work should contact repec@repec.org.

We expect that this will not be a lot of work. We are sure that this as a duty that any academic can itemize as a professional service on their CV.

2 Responses to Quality control committee: looking for volunteer

  1. mooms says:

    Reblogged this on Mooms's Blog and commented:
    Jan 2017, Please Help to remove really bad #OA journals, a.k.a. Predatory Journals in Econometrics, Economics and Statistics from the #RePEc collection of Research Papers in Economics by joining the Quality Commission.

  2. mooms says:

    Hi Christian,
    Any follow-up on this “Predatory Journals” post already?

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