Volunteer involvement in RePEc

RePEc’s aim is to improve the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. A critical part of this mission is to offer free services, but with the consequence that it cannot gather revenue for users. Thus, it needs to rely entirely on the work of volunteers.

Volunteers contribute big and small. There is a core team that takes responsibility in running the major services. Most members of this team have been with RePEc for many years and are looking for some fresh blood. One who is stepping up is Kyle Fluegge, PhD student at Ohio State University, who is now helping in the weekly generation of the NEP reports.

This brings us to another class of volunteers, the NEP editors who determine in the weekly list of new working papers Kyle prepares which are relevant to their field.

And finally their a very large group of volunteers who are in charge of indexing all the research items into RePEc. These so-called RePEc archive maintainers number over 1300, and a complete list of the participating archives can be found here. Another group helps editing individual uploads in the Munich Personal RePEc Archive.

If you are looking to help, you are welcome to open a RePEc archive at your institution, become a NEP editor or ask for more specific volunteer opportunities. Details are here.

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